Thursday, August 28, 2014

Japan Update

Tonight we had the chance to meet with the Pastor of Osaka Bible Church (OBC), Abe-Sensei, and a few other members of the congregation. We discussed our schedule for the upcoming year and are feeling very excited, challenged, and eager to see how God will use us in the year to come. 

Right now, there are only a few students signed up for English class, so for the month of September we will be stopping by local Jr. High and High Schools to drop off flyers promoting our English class. Our goal is to build relationships with these students (they are very awe struck by two foreigners) and show them the love of Christ that lives in us.

The church is distributing 10,000 flyers, which will advertise our English class through newspaper and personal delivery. Please pray over these flyers; that they would interest the Japanese and that our English classes would flourish this fall. This is our most urgent prayer request!

As we are learning more about our mission here, we ask for your prayers in the following areas:
  • Enrolment in our English classes would exceed our expectations
  • Easing of the language barrier
  • Representation of all generations within the congregation
  • Guidance in developing outreach programs (youth program, cooking class, coffee club…)

Thank you so much for taking an interest in what the Lord is doing in Osaka, Japan. Please email or write to us anytime! We’d love to hear from you!

Osaka Bible Church
Logan & Heidi Foth
3-12-24 Kamiji Higashinariku
Osaka-Shi, Osaka-Fu

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Arrival to Osaka, Japan

Aug. 24, 2014

We’ve been in Japan for three full days now and are still transitioning our internal clocks 15 hours ahead. Our emotions have been up and down! Our home is beautiful; we’re on the 5th floor of the Osaka Bible Church. It’s hot up here, but our air conditioner brings our bedroom down to a cool 26 degrees C! :) From our kitchen we can see a river that runs through our city and MANY houses along narrow, one-way streets. We like to look out our window at the people down below and the little turtle that lives in the river. 

Today we met our church family and had the opportunity to share our testimonies, which were translated into Japanese. The average attendance is between 25-30 people per Sunday and the average age is 68 years old. Needless to say, we stand out! The people are so kind and want to make sure all of our needs are met. We had a lunch after church today and we shared some maple cookies for dessert.

After lunch we had a church meeting where we found out a little bit more about our church, neighbourhood and assignment. It was interesting to hear their side of things; apparently we were an answer to prayer! This thought never really crossed our minds, but it’s so neat to see Ephesians 2:10 in action, which says “For we are Christ’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do.” 

The Japanese culture has been overwhelming, and we appreciate all the prayers we can get! There is very little English spoken in our church, making the language barrier our biggest challenge. Continue to pray for us in our language learning and for revival in the Osaka Bible Church.

Thank you so much! 
Domo arigato gozaimashita! 

Logan & Heidi Foth